Love Spells For The Night
Love spells are part of our lives. You cast this love spell at night. However night time varies, there is a younger night, this is when the night is just starting. The love spell cast at this time works strongly on younger love. A love spell caster invokes the forces of the closing night light to bless and purify his or her love spell. When the magic is cast by a good practitioner, the perfect time for this love spell is between 7pm and 8pm. Do not allow the spell to go beyond the timed period. This helps the love spell to center and ground.
Seven-Day Love Spells
Seven days in a week, seven days of pure love. Every passing day that you engage in the casting of a love spell is a day rewarded with embodiment of love. This seven day love spell is tasking but worth it. There are different things that you do on each sun-rising and setting that give power to the magic in the love spell. Why the seven day love spell? There are very many love spells of which some you can cast in an hour or in a day. However the difference is always on the demand of intensity of manifestation.
One-Day Love Spells
A single magical casting opens doors that seem to be eternally locked. What are one day love spells and how do they work? It is always important to go alert into love spell casting. You never know what powers are going to intervene on your behalf in the love spell you want. Thus, cast a love spell or ask for a love spell whose duration you are fully aware of. The one day love spell is the spell you cast once and you wait for results. These are the spells that most love spell casters will give you. However, if the results are not visible from that one casting, you can always either ask for a more extended love spell.
Three-Days Love Spell
We come to the first of the extended love spells. There are numbers in magic that are dedicated. This is why you will never find a two-day love spell. From one, the energies shift to a trinity manifestation. Never dissipate energies that manifest for two days, they will not give you what you desire. The next number for love spell energy manifestation is three. I give you more knowledge about magic and numbers. The three days give a love spell three energy concentration points and no room for energy wastage with power invocations and incantations.
Thirty Days Love Spell
A full lunar cycle is known far and wide as the birth and omega of magical energies. With the coming of the first day, you initiate the love spell you want to cast. And, with the close of the full cycle, the love spell is closed. The love spell and rituals in the thirty-day love spell. We previously saw that a love spell that goes beyond seven days is a love ritual. When it comes to the thirty-day love spell, we have a love spell working in combination with love rituals. On the first of the thirty days, you initiate your love spell or love energies.
Fortnight Love Spell
The magic of the fourteen nights. Fortnight love spells are greatly known for their strength to manifest results in the what is known as a lunar period. This is most specifically the span of light energy between the full moon and the new moon. The amount of energy within these fourteen nights is yet unrivaled. This is why most people prefer to cast effective love spells that run for the equated number of nights.
What is special about the fortnight love spell?
When you go out and stand directly under the moonlight for fourteen consecutive nights, you will receive a love blessing that very few people on earth know about. It is a once in a lifetime chance to engage the love of your life and give it a shining energy. After committing your heart to love every night with the necessary love rituals, go and stand under the moonlight and call out your lover’s name. Face the four directions of the wind and finally raise your love-filled face to mother moon. You can inquire with a good love spell caster via Whatsapp on +256772663331
Yearly Love Spells
The year ends in a rush of emotional and magical excitement, this is why any love spell cast on the three hundred and sixty fifth day is sure to bring results you desire. If you have still lingering energies by the close of the receding twelve months, then this would be the right time to seal off all those energies in a final love spell. The yearly love spells are cast for love protection and for the fulfillment of love promises made by the lovers. In case your lover promised you something and they have not yet fulfilled it, the energy collected in the span of twelve months will help you get that promise.
One Hour Love Spell
This is a session of one special hour of energy flow. It has to be precise and guided. The one-hour love spell and the witching hour love spell are the shortest time love spells in magic. As you contact a spiritual medium, prepare yourself within the given time. The energies in the love spell are gathered for not more than sixty minutes before they are manifested to bring results. Thus, when they don’t find you prepared, the sessions will be repeated, which makes casting difficult.
White Memory Love Spell
The white memory love spell falls in the same group as dream love spells. It is a spell which works mostly with new lovers. If you are looking for love you cast this spell. If you have found a new lover whether it is your first time or second time, you cast this white memory love spell. It will bring blessings to your love. It will also bring good luck in your new love life. You cast this spell if you want to renew yourself in love. When you want to forget all other relationships you have been through. Sometimes past love can hurt us so much. But if you cast the white memory love spell, you will start your new love life full of happiness and bliss
Love spell at Midnight
Why do you need a midnight love spell? During midnight, the universe is calm and at peace. It is the hour of transition of energies. Pure magical energies move mostly during this time. Therefore, if you are looking for a strong love spell full of night energy, then cast the midnight love spell. This spell is for people who want to perform their love rituals without interruption.