If you want to learn anything about witchcraft, then this is the right place.

People spend years trying to muster the art of spell casting and wizadry. But unfortunately, not all of us were destined to be witches or spell casters.

A few who are able to learn the art and manipulate nature in the best way, are those who can use the forces to do their bidding.

Witchcraft is real and people use it for many things.

You can get anything you want out of love, luck, money, business, fate, and more when you learn to use witchcraft the right way.

Only those who do not take time to learn are the ones who fail to learn.

Why To Know Witchcraft Is Important

Knowing witchcraft is like learning to walk.

You learn to walk because you have to move from one place to another. That is what witchcraft is all about.

You have to know it because it helps you move from one state of being to another.

If you are poor and you need money, then you need luck.

Witchcraft is the thing you use to boost your luck.

If you want to find love and get out of the loneliness you have, use witchcraft to attract love, the way you want it.

If you are beset with suffering both spiritual and physical, the solution is in witchcraft which touches the soul and heals what lies beyond human sight.

Knowledge OF Witchcraft in Different Traditions

On your journey to becoming a good and strong witch, you undergo reincarnation of the soul.

You get rid of the wandering spirit that jumps from beliefs to a steady soul which holds firm and lies still in wizadry.

We have a number of traditions to learn from, for a beginning witch.

Many explain witchcraft basing on Wicca as the source.

However, similar practices and manifestation of energy bring all traditions to the same place.

An altar in voodoo is not so different from an altar in Wicca.

The way of sacrifice in Voodoo and black magic is too similar you can’t tell the difference.

Whatever tradition you choose, follow it, learn everything it has to offer, Perform the necessary rituals, and you will be set on your way to become a strong witch.

The Call To Magic And Wizadry

When you find yourself more inclined towards the forces in nature, do not fight the pull and urge.

It’s a sign for you to traverse the hidden spiritual force and see of its enlightenment.

It’s very normal to have a unique perspective.

Do not expect people to understand your view of things. They do not share the insight that you are endowed with.

Everybody has what they believe in, Witchcraft requires that you believe more in yourself, then you believe in the rituals you do.

This is the first step in learning strong witchcraft.

When you are fully fledged, you will be able to turn your life around.

Magic is the energy that drives witchcraft. If its not fueled it runs out.

How do you fuel it?

You fuel it by constant ritual practice. The more you gain prowess in rituals and spells, the more you gain control over witchcraft and wizadry.

What is the use of rituals and spells in witchcraft?

The Knowledge Of Rituals And Spell Casting In Witchcraft

Rituals are the great expanses of spell casting.

From rituals spells are born. One comes after the other

A witch performs rituals and uses the energy from these rituals to cast spells.

The rituals most sought in energy are;

Those 3 are the most important. A strong witch knows how to consult with the universe and the spiritual world when it comes to love, money and protection.

To preserve life (protection), and to live life (money and love).

Those are the two witchy pillars that guide the life of a witch.

If any of your desires doesn’t fall under those two, then witchcraft rituals and spells, are not for your soul.

Becoming A Hedge Witch

A Hedge Witch is the one who uses only nature’s gifts for rituals and spells.

A Hedge witch lives as a lonely soul.

Renouncing love and connection to worldly pleasures, a Hedge Witch seeks for satisfaction from nature’s bounty of energy.

A Hedge Witch works for other people to live more than she does.

A fulfillment of life comes from knowing her powers to be the source of happiness for the people around him or her.

Mustering the laws of nature and the use of herbs in healing is the fate of the Hedge Witch.

Solitary witchcraft in communion with nature…

The ability to know how nature connects to our lives beyond our eyes is a marvel.

Only the more deserving among many, are given this gift.

To understand the way of nature is to unlock its potential.

This is but a dream to many. However, witchcraft is a source of knowledge on the road to discovery of nature’s true power.

Take time and go out and make your voice one with nature. On a quiet hill, or in a silent grove., with only the sound of birds to accompany your thoughts, let your being wander to depths unknown. To your inner sight are the chasms of power revealed, and unto you is given the use of these.

Such times as these never fail to bring out the witch in you.

These are the times of revelation. To know what you can do and what nature can do and help you do.

These Are The Things To Avoid If You Know Witchcraft

When you are successfully enshrined in witchcraft, avoid a few things;

Revere the tradition that guides your actions

Use the energy for the right intent.

Excessive display of energy for no reason is prohibited.

A witch’s grimoire should be your guide.

The spirits and demons are all useful, it depends on what you want to use them for.

How To Know If You Are Using Real Witchcraft

Real witchcraft is a gift.

It can never be replicated or duplicated.

It takes time to learn but its more fulfilling when grasped.

You find answers on spiritual planes. That is how you know you are using real witchcraft.